Thursday, July 10, 2014


Thanks to the Internet, the iPhone, and the thousand ways that information gets fed to me every day, there is no lack of inspiration to create art. Take today, for instance. I read this blurb in Instagram from Flow Magazine about a project they started to frame a picture you take and post it to #flowframeyourholiday on Instagram. I took a screenshot of the post for reference of the hashtag. Then I was at Michael's looking for the Project Life road trip cards (which I couldn't find, at two different Michael's) and they had some cute wood veneer frames on sale for half off. They were only $1 apiece to begin with and I couldn't decide between two of them so I bought those two for $1. 

Clearly, this is going to take some practice. It is bright outside today so I couldn't even see what I was taking hardly. The frame is blurry but within the frame is clear. I like the idea, though, and will keep trying for a picture that's a thumbs-up. 


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